This article talks about if it is a wise choice to buy the extended warranty on a product you have just purchased. they took some surveys that told them that six out of ten americans siad that they bought the lifetime warranties. 75 % of them in another study who bought the warranty said they only bought it because they did so in the past as well.
things like laptops are a good thing to purcahse the warrantes on. electronics and appliances are another thing to buy the warranty.
some things to look for when purchasing a warranty is-
-read the fine print
-do your homework about the warranty
-do extra credit homework
-know the life span
-calculate the cost
-bargain at purchase time
I think that the steps I just listed are the best way to go when buying a warranty.
Especially do your homework on the warranty, because you really need to know as much as you can about the warranty before you buy it.